Where is Doris?...

Monday 15 September 2008

Isla Cies

Monday 15th September 2008
I woke up and had my morning quota of ‘Tostadas’, Spanish version of Rich Tea biscuits to you land lubberz before ‘slingin me hook!’. Not much to report on this 40nm trip I am afraid, no religious or spiritual antics, very few dolphins and no near death experiences and (as usual) had to have to motor on all day. I did get some lift from the mainsail which I am sure saves me a few quid in fuel.

Arrived at my destination Isla Cies which is an island separated from the mainland in the Ria De Vigo.

The island receives boat loads of tourists throughout the day so there is a restaurant and a visitor centre but that’s it as it’s basically a wildlife sanctuary covered in woodland.

I shared the beach anchorage with four other yachts most of whom had gone ashore.

Its times like this when I feel a little lonely, like ‘what’s the point’ as there is nobody to share anything with. The sunset was amazing and a massive full moon lit up the whole cove. A classic ketch arrived and also dropped anchor and the whole scene looked like a cheesy postcard you see in tourist shops.

OK ... not the best pic but it was the best I could manage as low light (without flash) means long exposure times and my boat moves to make pictures blurry!
I spent most of the evening talking to Kat on the phone… (more later), I will go the 10nm to Baiona marina tomorrow.
'Damage De Jour' - found a small gelcoat chip in the cockpit, probably as a result of being bashed by a safety harness.


Anonymous said...

Oi oi Sailor!

Loving the photos!

Was watching My Name is Earl last night and reminded me of you... the whole dance at the start with Randy doing the fishing line hah!
Which reminds me, lemme know when you're back in the UK and I'll hook you up with that goodness as well as the von frogger surf crew; gr0m, dave, me, you, rux, etc.

Speaky soon.

Simon (Boo). said...

Hey howz my favorite hax0r! ... Earl is my Guru, it's all about the Karma man!

Topping mine up as we speak ...

Von Frogger Surf Crew... I like it! I'm in! You just gotta get that right hand man of yours the Stumeister into surfing!

Celesta said...
