Where is Doris?...

Wednesday 17 September 2008

Baiona (2)

Wednesday 17th September 2008
Priority number one, get myself looking less like a ‘Sea Pikey’, out came the razor and clippers! OK a grade one haircut may look slightly menacing but at least it’s tidy! After a shower and breakfast I felt much better (and lighter) and started work on the boat.

First job was to drill out the damaged genoa pole end and I now have a new one on order that should arrive for Friday – 65eu!!! The next job has been haunting me since leaving the U.K and that was to permanently wire in the inverter to allow me to charge 240vac things like razors, laptops, mobile phone, etc from the boat batteries while at anchor.

Prav – I have a confession. Remember those car jumper cables you lent me ages ago? I had to chop the ends off to use the cable. I’ll buy you a new pair – I promise!

After finding the right fittings etc the job is now complete with the inverter installed under the chart table – perfect. Life at anchor will be sweeter. Before I had to remove all the seats and cushions to get at the batteries and it was a complete nightmare.

Mr Crute has also arranged to order the required LED lighting units for both inside the boat and up the mast (anchor & tricolour). This will mean that instead of burning around 2 amps per hour for each light throughout the night, I will only be using 1/100 of an amp per hour which is a huge power saving when I am relying on solar panels to provide the daily leccy!

A welcome phone call from Captain Costa also cheered me up and it’s been slightly shocking hearing from different people about the state of affairs back in the UK with companies going bust etc.

I have no idea of what is going on in the world outside of whatever stretch of water I happen to be in, so please keep me posted with what’s going on in your lives as it’s always good to hear from friends.

Dave (Brighton) called to say he may come out to visit for a few days after the Southampton Boatshow, so until I know what he’s up to or have a plan, I may sit tight here at anchor just outside the marina and with any luck I will still be able to use the WIFI.


Anonymous said...

Just the other day I was tidying my garage and found an empty box that used to contain jump leads ... I knew I'd lent them out ... just couldn't remember who to! I can chuck the box away now as well ... bonus! No worries about the leads mate ... thats what breakdown services are for!

Simon (Boo). said...

Well I thought long and hard about it and figured..even if you did breakdown, would you really beg a jump from someone in a Porsche? - Nah! Speed-dial - 0800-come-get-me!

Pravster - Yer a diamond!

Anonymous said...

Quick hello from Matti and Francois from Hong-kong. Keep writing , it's nice to follow your adventures :)
we tried to spot you in the Hong-Kong harbour but no sign of Doris yet. Should we reserve a berth for you ?
Enjoy Dude and take care of you.
Francois / Matti

Simon (Boo). said...

Hey ... Francois & Matti!!!
The FrancoGermanic Duo! - Great to hear from ya both!

How's life in the Kong? Who knows I may actually visit some day, found any 'special' places?

macavity said...

I just noticed, it's Talk Like a Pirate Day today! Yarr!

Anonymous said...

Hello Boo,

This is just the Germanic part as Francois already left on Friday.
I am just packing my suitcase…
Tons of cool places to hang out here in HK. But just the sight of all this tall buildings is astonishing….
Unfortunately the weather is really hot and sticky and some other things as well.
I nearly got married by going to the pool yesterday. So if you are still single (I was sorry to hear that dude) you have plenty of opportunities here :-)
Hope to read much more of your adventures journeys!!!

Kind Regards

Simon (Boo). said...

Matti - You go careful out there, I worry about you! Sticky wimmin and marriage at the pool?!?!?!?

Oppurtunities... hmn. Not sure I can wait that long but I will keep it in mind. Actually Naked Vegas Man did make an appearance the other night but I'll save that for another post.
