Where is Doris?...

Tuesday 30 September 2008

Baiona (5)

This is the last Baiona post I promise! OK so whats happened since you last tuned in? … Well we Niels helped me get Doris up to scratch again with the following repairs completed:

New Genoa Pole end fitted. We also re-riveted the Genoa pole eye on the mast
Boom fitting drilled out and moved to the end of the boom for use as a back up mainsheet / Gybe preventer attachment
Re-put together my anchor ball as someone pointed out as it spins it looks like a black cross I had hung it sideways – doh!
Todo: Splice my new 30m x 18mm anchor warp into my chain.

On Tuesday eve we all got together for Lindsay’s farewell party, as she is returning to England to complete her working contract. She has six weeks of boating to look forward to in the UK winter. I cooked a curry to which Steve donated the chicken. No Corned Beef curries for him as his bodies a temple. Bruce the Almighty made a fruit cocktail and supplied wine. Marcus and Lindsay donated Squid rings and Moules in Red Wine & Garlic. They had spent the afternoon ‘harvesting’ the mussels from the rocks so this was as fresh as its gonna get!

Now those that know me, know my golden rule: “Thou Shall Not Eat Bottom Dwellers!”
However, as it was a special occasion I thought it only right that I make the effort. So, what’s the verdict. After hearing everyone go on about how amazing real sea food is when fresh etc. I have no clue what they are on about. Sure the Mussels tasted nice enough, who doesn’t like Red wine & Garlic, a classic combo, but it’s like chewing a huge bogey! And squid rings, again nice enough taste, but the texture of rubber with string in the middle!

Needless to say the guitars made an appearance with the tune de soir, “I’m leaving on a jet plane” for Lindsay.

The next day Lindsay & Marcus set sail to Vigo (Airport) and after saying goodbye to Steve, myself, Bruce and Niels up’ed anchor for Portugal at 5pm local time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mussels & Squid - you get used to the texture, it's worth sticking with it dude!

Can't believe you finally ate bottom feeders I was sure you never would have got this far. I guess your trip really is a voyage of discovery!!